3 Newent – Great Malvern

Newent to Great Malvern 18.5 miles (29.6Km)

The route leaves Newent by the lake, once part of the Newent Court Estate and passes without fanfare the long disused Hereford & Gloucester canal, lost under the railway which is now lost under the bypass.

Polytunnel footpath

Polytunnel footpath

The GEW enters a significant soft fruit growing area and polytunnels cover acres including some footpaths. Strawberries and raspberries are the most common crops.

Mistletoe in the trees

Mistletoe in the trees

Pauntley Court with church, dovecote and little else was the home of Richard Whittington, Lord Mayor of London. Around Redmarley D’Arbitot you are spurred on as the Malverns come into view. A section of the GEW obstructed at the time the guide was written has been opened up so spirits are raised as you follow the paths rather than having to walk along the main road.

Crossing the M50, by a bridge, the route soon enters Worcestershire and after a section of minor road walking we turn west to climb up to Chase End Hill where the Malvern ridge walk starts.

There are some downs and up along the way but it just gets better as you head north to

The Eastnor obelisk

The Eastnor obelisk

Ragged Stone Hill and a view of Eastnor Castle is followed by Midsummer Hill and the distant obelisk erected in 1812 to the memory of a son of the first Earl.

Along the summit are the remains of the Shire Ditch, the boundary between Herefordshire and Worcestershire, once amalgamated into one county but now  independent again. It’s the Herefordshire Beacon that we reach first although it’s the British Camp Iron Age Hill Fort that steals the glory at this location.

British Camp

British Camp

Crossing the rail tunnel and road at Upper Wyche (for a short detour from the route The Wyche Inn offers local ales). Making the final climb to the Worcestershire Beacon, from where we can look back to May Hill and the ground already covered or forward to Clee Hill and the miles still to be conquered.

Great Malvern from the Beacon

Great Malvern from the Beacon

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